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How to vote?

There are two ways you can cast your vote:
  1. Create ideas: It takes at least 1 vote to create an idea. You can use up to 3 votes to support your idea.
  2. Support ideas: You can use 1 to 3 votes to support any idea posted by others.

To create or post an idea

  1. Log in to your account.
    The right section of the page displays the Give feedback option as shown in the following example:
  2. Click Give feedback.
    The right panel displays various options as shown in the following example:
  3. Before posting your idea, search for ideas already present from the All ideas section.
    If you don't find any ideas similar to the idea you want to post, go to the next step.
  4. Click Post a new idea.
    It takes you to the idea entry field:
  5. Enter the title of your idea in the idea entry field.
  6. Click the category field and pick the relevant DITA CMS component from the list.
    For example:
    • DITA CMS Client
    • Output Generator
    • TEXTML Server
    • Web Author
    • Web Collaborative Reviewer
  7. Describe your idea. Attach any files if necessary.
    Even if the category and description fields are optional, please provide the relevant details. The more detailed your idea, the more attention the idea will receive.
  8. Choose the number of votes to apply to your idea.
  9. Click Post idea. The following example shows steps 4 through 9:

To support an idea

  1. Log in to your account.
    The right section of the page displays the Give Feedback option as shown in the following example:
  2. Click Give Feedback.
    The page displays All the ideas.
  3. Search for ideas using keywords.
  4. Click the idea of your interest.
  5. Read the posted idea and the discussion.
    If you like the idea and would like to support it for possible development, then follow the next step.
  6. Click Vote and choose the number of votes from the options. 

Feedback and Knowledge Base